Only a few days left for 2023 receipts!🎄

Only a few days left for 2023 receipts!🎄

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<<First Name>>, with only a few days left in 2023, we want to thank you for your continuing support and wish you the very best of the holiday season.

Here is an excellent example of your donations at work.

Simcoe Chapter Youth Workshops with International Quartet ‘Round Midnight

Friday Nov. 10/2023 saw The Simcoe Gentlemen of Harmony host 3 youth workshops at area high schools featuring our Annual Showcase internationally acclaimed guest quartet ‘Round Midnight with the financial assistance of Sing Canada Harmony.   

Workshops were held at Pauline Johnson Collegiate in Brantford, Simcoe Composite School, Simcoe and Paris High School, Paris.  Approximately 80 students attended the one-hour workshops with ‘Round Midnight.  The workshop included an introduction to barbershop harmony along with learning a tag and song without music.  Here are two video links:

The tag

The song

The transformation of the students’ initial hesitation to excitement and enthusiasm made this one of the best days of my 13 years as a barbershopper.  ‘Round Midnight was magical in their ability to engage and inspire young minds in the art of barbershop singing. 

One participating student who sang on our show the next day shared their experience: “Today was the best one I’ve had in weeks! I got to sing in front of a LOT of amazing people in Simcoe with the amazing quartet, Round Midnight. We met during a workshop in vocal class at school. They mentioned this ‘Gentlemen of Harmony’ thing at the end of the workshop and said that we could sing with them if we showed up. In the end, my best friend May and I were the only ones that showed up. Too bad the others couldn’t or didn’t want to come and sing, it was really exciting and terrifying but, as an actor and vocalist would say, ‘Break a Leg’ – and we sure did.”

Interestingly, only one of the schools had a vocal music program.

The Simcoe Gentlemen of Harmony want to thank Sing Canada Harmony and their donors for the financial support in our first foray into youth outreach in the community.  We’re hoping this is the start of something bigger.

Terry Pond, President, Simcoe Gentlemen of Harmony

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Sing Canada Harmony has awarded Anne Downton the 2023 Dr Paul Tamblyn Memorial Choral Director’s Award.

The Dr. Paul E. Tamblyn Music Educator Award is a perpetual endowment within the Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund seeded by the bequest of  Ontario barbershopper, the late Dr Paul E. Tamblyn. Tamblyn’s lifetime passion for excellence in training for choral and barbershop leaders and directors lives on through his gift and the fund continues to grow as family and friends make additional donations to the endowment in his name.
The Dr. Paul E. Tamblyn Music Educator Award honours a choral director who has made a significant impact on the development, promotion and improvement of choral directing and performance in Canada. 
Anne Downton began singing barbershop in the year 2000, at the age of 13, when she joined Westcoast Harmony Chorus, a Sweet Adelines chorus in Surrey, B.C., alongside her mother. With no singing experience but with boundless enthusiasm to learn, she soaked up everything musical that came her way.
In 2005 (age 18), she accepted the challenge of joining Westcoast’s directing team and became a co-director. At the Canadian Maple Leaf Region 26 competition in 2010, the chorus, co-directed by Anne and Joey Minshall (now Sweet Adelines Master Music Arranger), achieved a score of over 600, giving Anne the status of Master Director and making her the youngest master director in the Sweet Adelines organization. The next year, 2011, she stepped into the role of Frontline Director and has remained there ever since.
Anne Downton’s commitment to the barbershop art form and its continued wide appeal is evident in every part of her musical life. This is especially true of what she has done during the pandemic, beginning immediately in March 2020 when singing together became impossible. Over the past two years, because so many choruses have been struggling, she headed up a Sweet Adelines task force to create a tool for directors to help them plan and lead effective virtual rehearsals. For Westcoast, she led weekly virtual rehearsals when provincial guidelines prohibited meeting in person. During this time, the chorus produced, in house, two virtual performances that garnered wide internet exposure (“O Canada” and “Go the Distance”). When provincial guidelines were finally relaxed, Anne spearheaded what came to be known in the chorus as Return-to-Live, a meticulously charted return to safe, in-person rehearsing. Anne never backs away from a challenge, never lets an opportunity pass to improve her own skills and those of the singers she is directing or coaching. She deserves the widest recognition for her accomplishments and engagement.


<<First Name>>, thank you for supporting
Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund.

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