Only 18 days left for 2023 donations.

Only 18 days left for 2023 donations.

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Your help is needed, <<First Name>>! End 2023 by making a difference.

There are endless opportunities to turn everyday events into opportunities to give back. Winston Churchill said, We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

There are only days left to make a difference in 2023. Now more than ever, your help is needed. Sing Canada Harmony is receiving more and more requests but we can only give what we receive!

Donate by December 31st to get 2023 tax credits. Your tax credits could add up to as much as 53% of your donation at tax time! Find out how much you could get back.

When you’re making your end-of-year donations this year, <<First Name>>, think about starting off 2023 on the right track by setting up a recurring donation for next year. Recurring donations are critical for charities to help them plan their finances and programming for the year based on reliable, regular income, and it often allows people to give more over the year by spreading out the expense. You can become a President’s Council member for $100 per month!

Donate now!

Sing Canada Harmony has been providing educational opportunities for singers, music educators and choral communities for 15 years and will continue to do so, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Your support has sent people to university, barbershoppers to Harmony University and coaching for chruses and quartets to help them spread vocal harmony more effectively. There are projects to purchase music and literacy resources, support children’s choir programs in several communities, help choruses rebuild and other innovative programs that provide singing opportunities for Canadians of all ages. Your donations do a lot!

Thank you for supporting Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund.

Think of Sing Canada Harmony when planning your estate. A gift to Sing Canada Harmony will help reduce your estate’s taxes and will provide assistance to worthy recipients. For more information contact

Did you know you can donate securities
or mutual funds to Sing Canada Harmony?

A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes don’t apply, Sing Canada Harmony receives the full fair market value when the security is sold, and you get a tax receipt which reflects your larger contribution. This allows you to give more and get more. 

For more information, go to

2023-2024 Sing Canada Harmony Board
Back row: John Wilkie, Trinda Ernst, Fran Thorson, Patricia Cassidy, Cynthia Feltrin, John Simpson
 Front row: Gordon Billows, Murray Phillips, Sean Huston, Bill Coulthard
(Missing Digger MacDougall, Robert Ross)


There’ll be some changes made!
That was one of the results of the Sing Canada Harmony board meeting held in Calgary in mid-November.

The meeting started with a full-day strategic planning session that soon extended into almost 2 full days as the engagement of the board led to a new mission and vision and new goals.

What will not change is the reason Sing Canada Harmony exists. We will raise money to provide scholarships to legal residents of Canada to help them learn more about a cappella harmony.

We have board members from each Harmony, Incorporated Area, Sweet Adelines International Region Barbershop Harmony Society District from each province in Canada. Our Founding Chair, Digger MacDougall continues to serve and provides great historical context. 

We have four scholarship application deadlines during the year. They are March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. Forms and instructions can be found HERE.

 Scholarship amounts will be determined based on the amount of funds in the account and eligible applications received. We can’t give more than we receive.

We accept donations any and every day. We believe the world is a better place when there is singing. Singing brings enjoyment for a lifetime, to both the singer and the listener. You can do a whole lot of good for only a few dollars a month. Singing can start young people in a lifetime activity that will give them, and others more than they could ever imagine. What a great way to recognise a friend, <<First Name>>. Donate to Sing Canada Harmony in their name!

Donate now!

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