Singers benefit from your generosity and learn.

Singers benefit from your generosity and learn.

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Thank you for your continuing support. Here are examples of how your donations are making a difference.

Harmony University

Every morning session starts with a good warm-up and singing. Here is an example.

Carolyne Oehlerking, Director of Grove City Chorus in Edmonton, AB received a Paul Tamblyn Scholarship to attend Harmony University and she enjoyed the opportunity to learn from the amazing teachers on the Directors Track.

You make a difference!

When you donate to Sing Canada Harmony, you help us to provide educational opportunities for worthy recipients across Canada. 

Recipient returns scholarship and makes a matching donation!

To my knowledge, this has never happened before!

Hi, Murray.
 I just received your kind letter and the generous scholarship cheque.  I really appreciate that Sing Canada Harmony is there to help so many singers with learning opportunities.
I wonder if you’ve ever received a letter like this before. No!
After I applied for the scholarship, my financial situation changed considerably.  My brothers and I were able to sell some property that belonged to our late parents.  As a result of that, I do not feel comfortable accepting money from Sing Canada Harmony, when there are so many others who need it more than I do.  I would like to send you the $500 back, as well as another $500, to go into your scholarship fund. Is the best way to send a cheque to you in the mail?

Would you prefer that I return your cheque to you, along with a cheque from me for $500?

Let me restate that I do really appreciate the scholarship award.  I look forward attending Harmony U, where I know I will learn a great deal, and really enjoy singing with many new friends. 

Thanks again for your support.

Once I hear from you regarding how to send the money, I will take care of it right away.

With gratitude,
Name withheld by request 

Harmony College East

As a member of Onyx Quartet from Harmony Inc and a recipient of a Sing Canada Scholarship, I would like to express my gratitude for your generous gift.  Our quartet had the privilege of attending Harmony College East in June 2024 and being coached by 3 amazing coaches.  Steve Delahanty, Rick Taylor and Katie Taylor.  We were able to fine tune our contest test for our International Content in Louisville, KY in November 2024 and work on one of the songs for our goal of making the top 10!!!   We fully intend to attend HCE in 2025!  As members of Harmony Inc, we felt welcome and included in all of the events, sometimes even like celebrities having made the drive ALL the way from Canada!!:)  It was truly a worthwhile hop, skip and a jump across the border to attend HCE.  Thank you for helping us on our journey.

Harmony College North West

Dear Sing Canada, 

Thank you very much for your generous grant toward making my three days at Harmony College North West possible this year.  I enjoyed this year’s version more than any other because I was able to escort two new Barbershoppers (a bass and a highly trained and skilled director)  to their first formal learning experience.  It was a real treat to watch them learn and enjoy drinking from the “firehose” that is experienced singers sharing their knowledge of the style.  The love and sharing that we all got from the extended chorus around us in Tacoma will guarantee their return in future years. 

Thank you for making this possible.  As the local contact for SCH, I can assure you that I will work harder than ever to arrange donations to support the important work that you do. 

I apologize that due to my own technical incompetence I am  not able to provide any pictures. (new phone to me) 

My fondest wish is that you continue the important role that you play in bringing music to Canada. 

Dick Dueck 

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Thank you for supporting
Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund.
 Consider a monthly donation today.

Just a quick note to thank you for helping me attend this year’s Harmony University.  It was an even more amazing experience than last year!

This year, I had the pleasure of participating in the Intermediate Conducting Strand where I also had the opportunity to learn from some of the best a cappella instructors in the world.  The support I received from the directors classes have really helped move me forward in my ability to communicate the ‘spots on the page’ into a musical performance that will make our songs even more fun to sing while also making them more engaging for the audience.  In addition, the theory and vocal training I received have helped me further develop some of the less tangible skills required to support more relaxed, resonant, expressive, and in tune singing.

Thanks to your generosity, anyone who will sing with or hear the Stampede City Chorus will enjoy the gift of song even more than before!

Here’s a you tube video of us singing the “Lone Prairie” tag we learned just after we arrived at the airport.  The majority of the people in the video were also Sing Canada Harmony recipients.  Also, everyone in this video was fully aware that the video would be posted on YouTube and given the opportunity to ‘remove themselves’ from the view of the camera lens before we pressed record.

With gratitude,

Greg Verhappen,
Assistant Director,
Stampede City Mixed Chorus
Calgary, AB

Sing Canada Harmony has been a great supporter of a cappella education in Area 1 & Harmony Incorporated.  Newfound Sound is a proud member of Area 1. We are Newfoundland and Labrador’s only all women’s chorus, specializing in four-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. We are proud members of Harmony Inc. since 1988.

Newfound Sound has been unable to compete in the Area 1 Contest and Competition since 2019. This was due to many factors, including unique financial costs, barriers to accessing certified coaches, and the Covid pandemic. Our dream was to attend AC&C 2024 as a competing chorus and Sing Canada Harmony helped make that dream a reality!  In the fall of 2023, Newfound Sound began a search for a new director, after our dedicated and long-term Director stepped down. We were very fortunate to find Dr. Phil Roberts.  Dr. Phil began directing our chorus in January of 2024. He is highly qualified and has over 20 years of choral experience, including conducting ensembles from local to international stages, decades of teaching music privately and in the classroom, and professional performance experience in nearly every genre. Dr. Phil is relatively new to the world of barbershop singing, but he is so eager and enthusiastic to learn everything he can about the barbershop style of singing.

Newfound Sound Chorus wishes to express our thanks and gratitude to Sing Canada Harmony and its kind and generous donors, for awarding us a $700 scholarship in March of 2024. Sing Canada Harmony gave Newfound Sound the financial support we needed to avail of vocal coaching from the talented and enthusiastic, Harmony Inc. Musicality Judge and Director of Valley Voices (a Nova Scotia Chorus), Adele Merritt, from April 12th to 14th in St. John’s, NL. Our chorus, two of our quartets, and our new Director, Dr. Phil Roberts, learned so much from Adele, as she assisted in our preparation for us to compete at the annual Area Contest and Convention (AC&C) at Mount Allison University in Sackville New Brunswick, from May 30th-June 2nd, 2024. This convention brings together female barbershop choruses and quartets from the four Atlantic Provinces each year, to compete and join together in fellowship and song. It also provides attendees with top notch coaching and education classes, from certified Harmony Inc. judges in each category.  Adele taught us about sentence structure, punctuation, distinction of key words, musical elements, climax ascending/descending lines, key changes, and crescendo/decrescendo phrasing just to name a few. Another critical element of her instruction was the interpretation of a song; using our voice and facial expressions to draw in the audience so they feel what we feel.  This invaluable instruction prepared us well not only for AC&C, but future performances!

On behalf of every member of Newfound Sound Barbershop Chorus, we sincerely, thank Sing Canada Harmony for your generosity!
Dawn O’Rourke
Newfound Sound Barbershop Chorus
St. John’s NL


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