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Sing Canada Harmony at Harmony, Inc. Area 1 Convention and Contest 2024

You don’t have to look far to find enthusiastic singers.

Wren Burhoe, a proud member of Seaside A Cappella, attended her first Area Convention and Contest. At age 7, she is the youngest chapter member in Area 1, and possibly in Harmony Incorporated. 

Sing Canada Harmony’s positive presence was felt at Area 1 Convention and Contest 2024 on May 30 – June 2 in Sackville, NB. In a message delivered to the audience by Kim Logan at the quartet contest, Sing Canada’s generous support to individual members, quartets and choruses in Area 1 with scholarships were highlighted.
At the banquet, it was announced that many individuals and chapters and Area 1 make regular donations to the Sing Canada fund at different times throughout the year. Additionally, Chapters across the area most recently participated in “Toonies, for Tunes” donations during a four-week blitz. Chapters collected toonies at their weekly rehearsal, and collectively donated a grand total of $1475.00! 
The message of ways members can help benefit our Area 1 members was delivered both in the speech by Kim Logan and at the Sing Canada Harmony Table at AC&C’s Marketplace/Hospitality. At the booth, volunteers offered guidance in accessing the online Sing Canada Harmony site and choosing “Growing Harmony”. Instructions on where funds will be directed, including how to make individual donations, and the second option to become an “Ambassador of Song”. It was noted that the website provides the benefits received by annual giving donors who receive both a Canadian tax receipt and recognition by Harmony, Inc. for donations.
We hope that sharing the information and spotlighting Sing Canada Harmony will result in generous donations being made in the coming months and years ahead.
Pictured is Wren Burhoe, a proud member of Seaside A Cappella, attending her first Area Convention and Contest. At age 7, she is the youngest chapter member in Area 1, and possibly in Harmony Incorporated.  Wren and her grandmother Andrea Dean, President of Seaside A Cappella, volunteered at the Sing Canada Harmony Booth.  Wren represents a great future, joining other youth supported by Sing Canada Harmony a cappella music education programs.

Article by Yvonne Rafuse, Area 1 Coordinator

Our fiscal year ends on June 30. Help us finish the year with a donation so that we will have more available to award next year.

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