We revisited our vision and mission!

We revisited our vision and mission!

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At the Annual Meeting of the Sing Canada Harmony board,  the directors spent two and a half days developing our new strategic plan. We came away excited about the direction we have chosen for the next 3 years and we hope you will be, too.

We have changed the focus of our scholarships to be pointed more directly toward a cappella singing.

Our Mission

Sing Canada Harmony raises funds and provides scholarships to individuals and ensembles for a cappella harmony education.

Our Vision

A Canada that embraces a cappella harmony.


Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund was founded to help spread barbershop singing across Canada. The Sing Canada Harmony Board has reinforced this with a focus on a cappella education. 

The scholarship application process and form have been simplified and one online form is used by all applicants.

The new process seems to work well and applicants receive a copy of their application and a link that permits them to edit what they have provided.

You make a difference!

When you donate to Sing Canada Harmony, you help us to provide educational opportunities for worthy recipients across Canada. Your dollars help us to make future musical leaders and to help spread a cappella singing across Canada.

Thank you for supporting
Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund.

Did you know?

We have been receiving many more requests for awards than we have money to award. This is just one reason why your donations are so important to us and to the many deserving applicants.

Donate now!

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