Your generosity will help create great a cappella harmony stories!

Your generosity will help create great a cappella harmony stories!

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Thank you, <<First Name>>, for your continuing support. Our next scholarship application deadline is June 1, 2025. Your donations make it possible! 


  • Our Founding Chair, Digger MacDougall, reveals the beginnings of Sing Canada Harmony  Scholarship Fund (with more to come in the next issue.)
  • The Regina Tenor and Bass workshop 
  • The Out In Harmony workshop and concert
  • Leave a Legacy. Include Sing Canada Harmony in your will.

A Brief History of Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund
by J.R. Digger MacDougall, Founding Chair

A Charity Registered with the Canada Revenue Agency
Registration Number 85470 3014 RR0001
The Early Years 1999 to 2007
While serving as Vice Chair of the International Leadership Task Force of the SPEBSQSA (1992-1999), J.R. Digger MacDougall developed the concept of establishing a national, Canada-wide charity to support the SPEBSQSA’s vision and mission. For six years, he researched how to establish and operate a totally Canadian charity structured and organized to mirror Harmony Foundation (which perpetuated Harmony Foundation International, Inc.), the official charity of the SPEBSQSA (which perpetuated the Barbershop Harmony Society).
In 1993, Digger served as Vice Chair of the International Leadership Task Force of the SPEBSQSA (1992-1999) and applied for the position of Executive Director of the SPEBSQSA, in response to a posted career opportunity advertisement. From over 100 applicants he was selected as one of 5 finalists to be interviewed by the Society Board of Directors. Although he was not chosen to succeed Joe Liles in 1995, his identified strengths in leadership, strategic planning, organization and governance, were recognized.  A few years later, he was asked to resubmit his resume as a candidate for the Board of Trustees of Harmony Foundation. Digger was elected by the Board of Directors of the SPEBSQSA to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees of Harmony Foundation, the official charity (at the time) of the SPEBSQSA (Barbershop Harmony Society). During his tenure of 7 years as a Trustee, Digger contributed to and directed several changes in the organization, structure, vision, mission and purpose to Harmony Foundation. He was one of 3 officers on the Selection Committee that recommended the hiring of Clarke Caldwell as CEO of Harmony Foundation. The hiring of Clarke Caldwell resulted in a wholesale change of the purpose and direction of Harmony Foundation, which was directed to support the Barbershop Harmony Society. Coincidentally with this change was a decision by the Society to move its headquarters from Kenosha, Wisconsin to Nashville, Tennessee.  Interestingly enough, the decision to move the headquarters from Kenosha came, following an address by Digger MacDougall to the Society Board of Directors at a meeting in Kenosha, which was called to consider the options recommended.  Had it not been for Digger’s intervention, an “Abilene Paradox” would have resulted.  The headquarters would have remained in Kenosha.
Further changes were planned, and these provided an opportunity for Digger to resign from the Harmony Foundation Board of Trustees in 2006, allowing the election of the first woman to the Board of Trustees. This also allowed Digger to set up a Canadian charity that was planned to parallel the vision and mission of the Harmony Foundation.
On numerous occasions, the Harmony Foundation CEO and Digger discussed the importance of setting up a Canadian charity for all Canadian Barbershoppers so that Canadian Barbershoppers, like their American counterparts, could financially support a charity that would support the Barbershop Harmony Society’s activities, including training and outreach in Canada while giving Canadians an opportunity to benefit from the generous tax rebates provided by Government of Canada/CRA. Note: Before the establishment of Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund, Canadians couldn’t donate money to a charity (like Harmony Foundation) that:

  • supported Barbershop Harmony, the society and its activities particularly for Canadians;
  • was headquartered in the United States;
  • did not have a Canadian Board of Directors;
  • did not allow for Canadians to control and direct the finances of the corporation;
  • conducted its business and most of its activities outside Canada; and,
  • receive an income tax credit.

There were advantages to creating the Canadian charity so long after the establishment of the Barbershop Harmony Society and Harmony Foundation, namely:

  • the Canadian charity could take advantage of all the lessons learned by the Barbershop Harmony Society and Harmony Foundation throughout their history;
  • the Canadian charity could offer support to Canadian Chapters, Choruses and individual Barbershoppers of Harmony, Inc. and Sweet Adeline’s International;
  • the Canadian charity could offer support to vocal music and all activities related to vocal music in all the schools and communities of Canada while promoting Barbershop Harmony and the activities of the 3 Barbershop Harmony singing organizations: BHS, HI and SAI;
  • The Canadian charity could support the youth and community outreach programs for Canadian youth, children, and choral leaders as well as Canadian Barbershop leaders and members of the 3 singing organizations;
  • the Canadian charity would be headquartered in the nation’s capital at Ottawa; Ontario.  An office was set up in the residence of Digger MacDougall and maintained therein through moves to Stittsville, Arden, Orleans, Cumberland and Rockland, Ontario.  All of these communities are in the National Capital Region.

Next time: The “Sing Canada Fund” of The Community Foundation of Ottawa and more…

You make a difference, <<First Name>>!

When you make a donation to Sing Canada Harmony, you help us to provide educational opportunities for worthy recipients across Canada. 

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Thank you for supporting
Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund.
 Consider a monthly donation today<<First Name>>!

Dr Melissa Morgan, Director of Choral Activities, University of Regina, wrote to thank Sing Canada Harmony for assistance in putting on the 4th annual Tenor Bass Workshop.

This past January 9 & 10 the University of Regina Music Department hosted their 4th annual, Tenor Bass Workshop. The success of this event is due to the outstanding support given to us by Sing Canada Harmony. We are truly grateful for the ongoing support of your organization on an annual basis. This year, your scholarship of $1200 helped 110 young tenors and basses from Regina and surrounding area to learn from our U of R Faculty including, myself, Dr. Tina Alexander-Luna, Dr. Shannon Holmes, Mark Ancheta, Emily Ready, and Andrea McCulloch. Additionally, all the participants worked very closely with Dr. Jamie Hillman, our guest conductor from the University of Toronto.

Dr Melissa Morgan, Director of Choral Activities, University of Regina

I am also including a link to all of the TB workshop performances to date just in case you are interested to see the wonderful work that you have supported over the years:

The application process changed and the new application form is on our website. The focus is on a cappella harmony education.
Click the button below to go to the page.

To apply for a scholarship

Thank you from all of us at Out in Harmony! Sing Canada Harmony’s support helped us conduct a retreat/intensive vocal workshop to prepare for our concert. 

I am pleased to report that the workshop and our January concert “Everything IS Possible – An Afternoon of Queer Music” was a great success!

The workshop was held on December 6 and 7, 2024.  Thirty-six singers attended and worked with Edette Gagne, our Music Director.  This 2-day rehearsal helped us take more time to work together on improving our listening, our balance and blend between the sections.  It’s also a time to team-build and get to know one another; it allows us time to welcome newer singers to our choir community.

The concert was held on Jan 25, 2025. Forty-four singers performed. There were 190 audience members, and 12 volunteers helped the event go smoothly.  The a cappella songs we performed were: 

  • Can you Hear Me?  (Words and music by Catherine Laub)
  • From This Hour, Freedom! (Words by Walt Whitman, music by Stephen Smith)
  • We Rise (Words and music by Batya Levine, arranged by Elliott Dainow)
  • The Nightingale (Words and music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the Out In Harmony concert. Just finished watching the livestream.
The choir just keeps getting better and better and the concerts are always so much fun to see. I really enjoyed every minute. Congrats to all. 


I thought it was the best concert that your choir has ever done and I have been going to the choir for over 20 years now. It’s hard for me to put into words how impactful that performance was for me and I think for other people in the audience. I found myself crying several times during the concert. As I looked around the room, I saw other people crying.

I think there was an energy there at the concert that I never experienced before. I really felt the audience was there with you and for you. 

I believe that with everything that’s going on, the lyrics of the songs were exactly what we needed to hear and feel. I certainly heard and felt the words to the songs. 

I feel as a community we need to hang together. We need to support each other as we in our own way fight for justice.

I think this concert touched people.

WOW!! That sums up my feelings after watching the performance on livestream.  I was really impressed, it was really professional. Your facial expressions really showed the deep feelings you have for the choir and its take on life of the queer community. All the songs carried a clear message to be passed onto the listener. I watched the entire concert in one seating.  I understand your commitment to the choir and the many hours you spend on Choir Practice. 

The support of Sing Canada Harmony was recognized in the Programme and from the stage.

Again, thank you so much for your support!  Our choir is open to all, regardless of financial ability.  Your support allows us to continue to make a friendly safe space for members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to come together and proudly sing, striving towards excellence. 

Adriane Egan
Board Chair
Out in Harmony: Vancouver’s Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Lesbian, & Friends Choir

Leave a Legacy.

After caring for your loved ones, why not ensure that there are people who continue to sing, especially cappella harmony? Leaving Sing Canada Harmony a bequest in your will will help reduce your final income taxes and provide opportunities for worthy recipients to learn more about cappella harmony. It’s a win-win!

Donate now!



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