Giving Tuesday is tomorrow! Can you help?

Giving Tuesday is tomorrow! Can you help?

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<<First Name>>, Your help is needed! Giving Tuesday is tomorrow.

There are endless opportunities to turn everyday events into opportunities to give back. Like the great Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” 

Giving Tuesday is a way to make a big difference. Now more than ever, your help is needed. 

Donate tomorrow and get 2021 tax credits. Your tax credits could add up to as much as 53% of your donation at tax time! Find out how much you could get back.

When you’re making your end of year donations this year, think about starting off 2022 on the right track by setting up a recurring donation for next year. Recurring donations are critical for charities to help them plan their finances and programming for the year based on reliable, regular income, and it often allows people to give more over the year by spreading out the expense. 

Donate now!

Sing Canada Harmony has been providing educational opportunities for singers, music educators and choral communities for 12 years and will continue to do so, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Your support has sent people to university, provided Zoom subscriptions that are keeping our musical communities in touch and communicating with each other. There are projects to produce a compilation of Canadian folk songs in the barbershop style, to purchase music and literacy resources, to support children’s choir programs in several communities and other innovative programs that provide singing opportunities for Canadians of all ages.

Thank you for supporting
Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund.

Copyright © 2021 Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund, All rights reserved.

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